Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bingit ah!!

Wish I could just go away 2 some remote island & not come back..

My bubble is about 2 burst!!


Reasons 4 feeling this way:
  1. Bad stuffs hv been happening all around me this past few wks.
  2. Knee's getting worse.
  3. Fear of having relapse again (tanda²nya ketara)
Seriously I fear no.3 more than anything else.
If it happens again, I hv 2 b warded again.
& I don't want that 2 happen.
Tapi tanda² sakit 2 dah nampak tadi, like,
shaky hands, headache, feeling weak..

But I just pray that it will not happen again..
If not, I hv 2 go in the Haemathology ward in SGH..
